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Tips to Kick Start Your Very Own Herb Garden

Herb gardens are great for any home. Having a potted herb garden is especially handy and is relatively easy. A majority of herbs can be grown on in pots right on your windowsill or verandas.

Here are a few tips to get you started from the Planet Natural website.

Image: gardening know how


Just about any container will do but bear in mind that most herb varieties prefer fast draining soil.

As long as the container or pot you’re using to grow your herbs in has an adequate amount of holes for drainage it should fair pretty well as a home for your herbs.

The most popular container choices are those made out of terra-cotta, wood and cement, but most herb gardeners often prefer terra-cotta.

When choosing containers ‘size does matter’. The pot must fit the plant, or plants, that will be growing in it.

If the container is too small your herbs may easily become rootbound, on the other hand if your container is too big, your plants may spend all of their energy on root production and not grow the way they should.

Image: lindowturf


It is important to provide plants that grow in containers with high quality potting soil, or soil-less mix.

You don’t want soil that is heavy and dries out quickly, preferably soil that is loose and well drained.

Image: argus media


Herbs do not necessarily require a lot of fertilizer because the amount of soil around the plant is limited to the size of the container.

Subsequently, plants in containers or pots dry out quicker and require more nutrients compared to plants grown in your backyard.

Image: your home wizards


As mentioned above, plants in pots dry out quicker and require more attention so when it comes to watering it will depend on several factors, including:

  • The type of soil or potting mix used
  • Amount of exposure to sun, rainfall and wind
  • Average temperature
  • Size of your plant or plants

In warmer temperatures plants may require water once or twice a day.

Pay close attention to your plants, when the soil or potting mix appears to be dry or pale, or has shrunk away from the sides of the container.

You can also poke your finger into the soil; if it feels moist it’s alright. However if it feels dry, start watering.

But make sure you check the watering requirements for individual herbs as some require more water than others.

Image: the spruce


Sun light or light from florescent lamps (especially useful during the rainy season) is essential to herbs, this is because the essential oils that give herbs there flavour are produced in the largest quantity when they receive plenty of light.

Most herb varieties require 6 hours of sun per day for best results.

When selecting which herbs to grow in pots or containers, consider the amount of light that is available for a particular spot and the lighting requirements found on seed packets and plant labels.

Do not mix plants with different lighting requirements.

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