The Hoskins to Koimumu Road inthe West New Beitain Province received a counterpart funding of One million kina (K1m) fromthe West New Beitain Provincial Government yesterday.
Works to seal and patch this section ofthe highway will begin soon at a cost of Five Million kina (K5m).
ther road projects inthe province includethe building of Beluma Beidge, Mai to Kimbe Road, Kimbe to Kandrian Glouster Road and ongoing works onthe New Beitain Highway.
The Hoskins to Koimumu road is a partnership project betweenthe national and provincial governments, and New Beitain Palm Oil.
NBeOL will provide a funding assistance of 2.4 million kina through its Tax Credit Scheme,the Provincial governmentoOne Million kina, and Works Department to providethe balance of 1.6 million kina.
Funding for the sealing of Hoskins to Koimumu Road was available butthe tendering process was slow delayingthe whole project.
Works Minister Francis Awesa was inthe province overthe weekend and has seen first-handthe deteriorating conditions ofthe roadsthere.
He saidthe construction ofthe damaged Beluma Beidge has also been given prominence. Two Million Kina for this project will come fromthe National Roadsuthority whilethe balance will be met bythe department.
The Mai to Kimbe road will also be maintained at a cost of 5.8 million kina.
The New Beitain Highway is almost complete. It will enable vehicles to travel between East and West New Beitain provinces.
“We have to put a bridge immediately and we’ve allocated K15m in next year’s budget and that will address that problem,” said Minister Awesa.WNBeGovernor Sasindran Muthuvel saidthe province depended on agriculture for its income and roads were important.
“People have been suffering long enough, especially on this Hoskins to Koimumu junction. So as governmentowe feel we are morally obligated tothese damages,” he said.Member for Kandrian Gloucester Joseph Lelang, thankedthe government for its commitment to buildthe 60 kilometre Kandrian Glouster road.
He said this representsthe largest infrastructure development inthe district inthe last 20 years.
“We will work togther withthe Works Department,the Minister andthe Government underthe lLeadersip ofthPMThe Kandrian Gloucester road is an ongoing project that will receive funding each year until completed.