Featured News Papua New Guinea

United Nations Supports Calls to End Violence Against Women and Girls

The United Nations support the calls by the Prime Minister and other Papua New Guinea political and civil society leaders to end the growing tide of violence against women and girls in Papua New Guinea.

These calls come in support of international rugby player and boxer, Debbie Kaore, who was brutally attacked by her partner on the weekend.

In PNG, domestic violence is the most common form of violence against women and girls in the country. The most recent Demographic Health Survey found that 63 % of women have experienced domestic and sexual violence, and 61% have not sought help or told anyone about the violence.

Mr. Gianluca Rampolla, UN Resident Coordinator said “Our heartfelt sympathy to Ms. Kaore who has endured this violence from a loved one. We salute you, as you have so bravely and strongly come out in public about this horrific attack. Let us hope that your stance brings change and that these crimes are no longer committed with impunity. We stand ready to support Papua New Guinea, men, and women, as they work to end this violence.”

The recently launched Spotlight Initiative, funded by the European Union, coordinated jointly with the Government, and implemented through the UN and partners, has commenced work extending support services for survivors and supporting advocates for change across the country.

Domestic violence and intimate partner violence is a crime. It is not a private matter. Please reach out for help.


To report cases to the Police, call Family and Sexual Violence Units. Boroko Police Station (National FSVU Office) 7152-7622, 7350-9130, 7066-4880, 7152-7644.

1 Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain, a free phone counseling service, is available at 7150-8000 (7 am – 7 pm).

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