Thirteen disaster prone provinces in Papua New Guineawill receive emergency education supplies worth almost One-million kina fromthe UNICEF country office.
The supplies range from a school in a tent kitoand school in a box kitoto fleece blankets and emergency family kits.
Working withthe Department of Education,these emergency supplies are currently in transit atthe Port Moresby wharf, ready to be shipped off this week tothe provinces.
Prepositioningthese items in provinces will help minimize delivery times to affected schools during an emergency.
UNICEF Country Representttative Beba Danbappa saysthe supplies will be used during emergencies in a country like Papua New Guineawherethere is a great challenge for 13 provinces mostly at risk.
These provinces include East and West New Beitain, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, New Ireland, Manus, Oro, Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands, Simbu, Morobe, East and West Sepik and Madang provinces.
Mr. Danbappa said education isthe first sector to have a Policy on Education in Emergencies and Disaster Risk Reduction.
With UNICEF’s support,the nine provinces have developedtheir Education in Emergency Plans. The remaining 13 provinces have yet to completetheirs.
As part ofthe implementation strategy ofthe policy, UNICEF recently supportedthe Department of Education in training 4,600 primary school students’and 92 teachers in five provinces.
Acting Secretary for the Department of Education, Dr. Michael Tapo acknowledged UNICEF’s support and stressedthe importance of ensuring teachers and students’understand emergency.
This training isthe first of its kind and will be rolled out to ther schools inthe coming months.
UNICEF’s support to emergency is part of its core commitment for children in humanitarian action and works with partners to upholdthe rights of children affected by humanitarian crisis.
This core commitment includes humanitarian response and also extends to preparedness and early recovery.
Photo caption: Workers packthe last ofthe UNICEF emergency supplies destined for 13 disaster prone provinces in Papua New Guinea Photo credit: Chambers/UNICEPNG/2013