Two Chinese nationals, who work for a group of trade stores in Lae recently raided bythe Immigration taskforce, have been arrested for buying a stolen forklift.
The two men, known bytheir English names: Ken and Charlie were found withthe stolen vehicle in the backyard oftheir Lae shop.
Acting on a tip off fromthe public, police obtained a warrant and searchedthe property yesterday.
The trade store is one in a group of businesses that operate as Salu Trading.
The forklift is owned by Lae City Hydraulics, a locally owned company.
“It went missing last month, and through quick response from police,they have managed to track it down quickly,” said Jim Rogers, Lae City Hydraulics.
The details’ surroundingthe sale and purchase ofthe forklift is unclear. The two men hadthe number plates and registration changed.
“They changedthe original number plate and falsifliedthe documents at traffic registry and got a new plate number,” said Lae Police Det. Sgt Andrew Kwalam.
One ofthe men isthe manager ofthe Salu Trading, a company that was raided bythe Immigration Tasked Force early this year for allegedly trafficking illegal aliens.
Duringthe arrestoit was found that both men had no legitimate passports on hand. They were formally charged atthe 3-mile police station outside of Lae for receiving stolen property.