Eda Ranu has cautioned residents in Port Moresby to ease water consumption during its water rationing exercise.
This is becausethe Sirunumu Dam reservoir is depleting quickly.
Eda Ranu Chief Executive Officer Henry Mokono and senior staff of Eda Ranu visitedthe Sirunumu dam to viewthe extent ofthe water shortage.
Patches of land submerged now surface and water levels are well belowthe secondary spill over.
Mr Mokono said despite carrying outthe load shedding exercise overthe past month, it is still not enough asthe rate of consumption is still high.
The Sirunumu Dam is operated bPNG Power but has a dual role as it is used by Eda Ranu as well.
Earlier this monthPNG Power Acting Chief Executive Officer John Yanis announced load shedding inthe city because ofthe receding water levels.
He also asked for less water consumption asthe more people use,the more water is drained.
This has sounded alarm bells for Eda Ranu, and Mr Mokono says ifthe dry spell continues,there will be no more water and electricity for Port Moresby.
Mr Mokono said at this timethey aren’t able to give an estimated time frame of how much water is left.
Betthey are appealing to city residents to follow its water rationing schedules inthe papers and begin to practise a conservative approach in water usage.
He saidthe current rationing of water by Eda Ranu may continue for months if city residents do not use water wisely.
Mr Mokono meanwhile called upon city residents to boil water before consuming.