Sir Hubert Murray Stadium will bethe host to Rugby Touch and Rugby seven’s as well as home to Weightlifting inthe 2015 Pacific Games.
The stadium will have fifteen-thousand seating capacity with ther player and spectator amenities.
The initial ground breaking ceremony signaling commencement of work was held on Thursday.
Sir Hubert Murray Stadium was built in 1969 whePNG first hostedthe South Pacific Games; this stadium has become a national icon where athletes have been born.
It was named after Sir John Hubert Plunkett Murray who was a judge and a Lieutenant-Governor of Papua from 1908 until his death.
The stadium is owned bythe Motu Koita Council of whichthe land belongs tothem. The upgrading ofthe stadium will now go ahead afterthe National Court ruled in favor ofthe Government.
The stadium came alive,on Thursday with celebrations to welcomethe state ofthe art stadium which was set to be completed in 14 months and ready for the 2015 Pacific Games.
The construction work was awarded to Curtain Bethersunderthe private-public partnership.
The national government budgeted K11 million for the projectowhile Curtain Betherswill provide labour and machinery free of charge.
Present atthe occasion werethe sporting dignitaries includingthe 2015 Pacific Games Committee.
Caption: Sir John Davanicura speaking duringthe ground breaking ceremony at Sir Hubert Murray Stadium.