by Jack Lapauve Jr, EMTV – Port Moresby
Sewerage spill-overs have been a problem all over Port Moresby.
For almost 2 months, residents at Gerehu Stage 4 have been living near an overflowing sewerage system.
Residents say children have contracted diseases after authorities took no action to fix the problem. It was reported to city authorities including Eda Ranu.
Residents here say, Eda Ranu staff have come to assess the spill-over, however nothing has been done.
Collin Gerega a concerned parent said almost all their children have been taken to the hospital for disease contracted from the bad odor of the spillover.
“Authorities need to come fix the sewerage”, Gerega said.
The bad odor of the sewerage has forced families to serve meals and eat on the road side.
Mother Angelina Aedoko says, the delay by authorities to fix the sewerage gives no option to families but to leave with.
“We are human beings and not animals, Eda Ranu and NCD Management must act and solve this matter”, Mrs Aedoko said.
The spillover has now made its way into stage 5 and 6, including areas where settlers are camping behind residential areas.