
Reactions to Dealth Penalty

The call for death penalty has attracted strong reaction by public in Lae.  

Founder ofthPNG Women Arise, Sarah Todd who has been vocal about brutal crime committed against women’s ays,the government had overlookedthe root causes ofthe problem.

Many Papua New Guineas have been calling onthe national government for tougher laws to deal withthe offenders.

And, it is a tough call for the National Government.

Betthere are now clouds of uncertainty if whther or not tougher punishment will help minimisethe high rate of crime committed.

A line has now been drawn between those who want death penalty and those who oppose it.

Lae’s Entrepreneur and founder ofthPNGWomen Arisegroup, Sarah Todd is concerned aboutthe changes inthe law.

“We preferthe life imprisonment; send someone away if he’s not fit to dwell in our society and imposethe life imprisonmentonotthe death penalty.”

She says it’s an option thatthe government is swift to implement but hasn’t addressedthe root cause ofthe problem.

She says it’s a problem that stretches to lack of education, job opportunities for youths and lack of awareness in family unit.

Also onthe streets of Lae men and women are saying it’s just too early for Papua New Guineaimpose death penalty.

Papua New Guineahas beenthe centre of unwanted attention in recent months. The increase inthe reported rape cases parked calls for tougher penalties.

Bet whilethe public debate overthe implementation of death penalty, many Papua New Guineas aren’t sure if death penalty will work for Papua New Guinea– a country with diverse cultures and strong Christian beliefs.

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