Due to a number of set-backs, the issue of venues being a major issue, this weekend saw a total of 15 teams welcome season 2014 for Rugby League in the Nation’s Capital.
Football Manager and Administrator, Meke Maino, said the long awaited postponement came about a number of administration faults.
While the hassle to allocate an alternative venue seemed to have been the major concern, it was also knowledgeable that the lack of corporate support affected the prominence in facilitating a season for this year.
With a newly appointed and recommend board led by former Kumul, Dr. James Naipao, Mr Maino says the main focus in forthcoming months is on rebuilding the reputation of rugby league amongst its corporate alliance.
This year’s season comprises of sponsorships from long time rugby league sponsors, SP Brewery with K50,000, while Dekenai Construction have opted to come on board this year, with an additional K50,000.
The competition will move over to POM Rugby League’s alternative venue, Murray Barracks, in the coming weeks.