
Police and Enforcement Unit Prepare For Traffic Act Implementation

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

A 3-day workshop for provincial traffic officers has commenced outside Port Moresby.

Road Traffic Authority Chief Executive, Nelson Terema, says the training is to prepare police and the traffic enforcement unit before the 2014 Traffic Act is implemented on June 1st. Mr. Terema added that the training plays a key role for a safe traffic for all users. He says the participants will then impart the training manual to their provincial enforcement unit.

According to the head of the RTA, the Act will also see enforcement powers delegated to Provincial Governments. Over 25 officers are attending the training at the Bomana Police College.

The training is part of Road Traffic Authority and Police preparedness to implement the 2014 Road Act come June 1st. The trainers training will cover key aspects of the new Act, the conduct of enforcement officers, and penalties for traffic law breakers.

Transport Secretary, Roy Mumu also witnessed the opening of the training yesterday (May 22) morning. Mr. Mumu says the 2014 Road Act has been gazetted, and approved for effect. He said relevant agencies are working to establish a central traffic data base for the country. Mumu said this will also help authorities know the number of vehicles, their owners, and what type of vehicle is supposed to be used on certain roads. He says it will take time to complete the data base, but it will be helpful for the country.

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