According tothe National Health Departmentomany Papua New Guineas will die beforethey reachthe age of sixty five,the life expectancy of an average Papua New Guinea.
That wasthe centre of discussion duringtheWorld Food Daycelebration in Goroka on Wednesday.
The focus of Agricultural Agencies andthe Health Department has been onthe eating habits of Papua New Guineas that has greatly changed in recent times.
Many people have resorted to eating fast foods that are almost become readily available onthe streets.
Wilson Karoke, a Nutritionist fromthe National Health Department said this as also contributed towards Papua New Guinearsquo;s highest malnutrition rate inthe Asia Pacific Region.
“Withthe moverment of people fromthe traditional society into a new society, people changedtheir eating habit andtheir dieting habits, and changedtheir preferences of food,” said Karoke.
Mr. Karoke said more people will become old quickly asthey become extremely ignorant about whatthey eat.
That has also beenthe concern of Agriculture Agencies that focus mainly on addressing this problem through Agricultural work.
While many Papua New Guineas might become incautious about whatthey eatoinstitutions like NARI and Fresh Produce Development Agencies have been developing Agricultural innovations that encourage and remind people aboutthe dangers of eating unhealthy food.