Prime Minister Peter O’Neill spentthe first day of his official visit to Israel visiting key defence establishments.
Atthe Israel AerospaceIndustry (IAI) he was given a briefing intothe Israeli Missile Defence and Attack capabilities. The IAI is owned bythe government.
The prime minister and his delegation were treated to a 3D presentation on howthe Israeli defence force respond to enemy missile attacks, and howthe Jewish nation would launch an offensive to neutralize threats against it.
ThPNG delegation was impressed withthe latest military technology.
O’Neill toldthe IAI officials atthe end ofthe presentation that his government was inthe process of rebuildingthe Papua New GuineaDefence force, expressing keen interest with whatthe Israelis had to offer.
The IAI officialsthen went onto show how some ofthe products could be used to securethPNGIndonesian border from illegal activities, effective surveillance ofthe 200 mile exclusive economic zone, monitor against illegal logging and illegal mining practices and securingthe LNG project.
O’Neill will be signingthe defence cooperation agreement with his Israeli counterpartoBenjamin Natanyahu.