One of the National Government’s plans this year is to reopen the once Aropa International Airport at Kieta in Central Bougainville, that was burnt down during the Crisis.
While inspections proceed, first series of discussions will be made with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and landowners.
The call to reopen the airport has been supported by Central and South Bougainvilleans.
Speaking during his goodwill visit in Bougainville, the Prime Minister said that Aropa airport will be reopened as a national Government’s plan to improve goods and services delivery.
Mr. O’Neill said it is costly and time consuming to travel through the highway, with the airport; it will improve transport infrastructure networks and boost the economy.
Public State and Enterprises Minister, Ben Micah, in an exclusive interview with EMTV said Aropa is easily accessible with Air Niugini Dash 8 Flights and should resume in three months’ time.
A tariff terminal and fencing will be built soon to cater for this exercise.
Mr. Micah said Aropa would regain its tag as an international port with connection flights to the Solomon Islands.
Transport infrastructure, maintenance is a national government priority that covers road, bridges, and airports and jetties.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says by opening the Aropa airport will help to improve transport infrastructures for the delivery of goods and services.
This will come under the discussions of the National Government and the ABG with the land owners in Aropa Airport.