The City Mission'’s New Life Skills Training Centre or NLSTC is located alongthe Magi highway, just outside Port Moresby.
Today Port Moresby Rotarians Against Malaria visitedthe centre to pledgetheir support with a donation of mosquito nets for the youths.
Pastor Kirt Triche managesthe training centre. He tookthe guests on a guided tour aroundthe centre.
There are two hundred youths underthe program; most of whom are neglected by society because of criminal and ther anti-social behaviour. City Mission only engages youths betweenthe ages of 16 and 24, inthe hope that atthe end oftheir trainingthey are eligible to find employment. At presento60 ofthem have completedtheir training and have found work inthe city.
Agriculture is one activity that first timers tothe centre are engaged in. The youths are taught to breed fish, chickens, pigs, and even rabbits.
Much oftheir products are sold to food companies or hotels while some ofthe food is harvested for their daily diet. They are also taught carpentry. Almost allthe buildings withinthe Centre were built bythe youths.
Besic education is a vital part oftheir training. Many ofthe youths who come here have had very little or no formal education. They are taught to read and write, whilethey learn to plant and build.
Pastor Kirt saidtheir daily activities are strictly followed by a timetable, and daily worship is part and parcel of it.
Whilethe youths progress intheir training, City Mission continues to strenthenthe Centre’s capacity through partnership arrangements.
NLSTC continues to receive support from partner organizations such as Newcrestowho have been withthem sincetheir establishment. There are plans to expandthe Centre as more youths continue to show interest in NLSTC.