The National Capital District Commission Enforcement Unit has been beefed up with the recruitment of 30 reserve policemen.
They will effectively assist to enforce the Commissions directive and laws in the city.
The police reservists graduated recently in Port Moresby.
The NCDC enforcement Unit has a very vital role in ensuring policies and regulations of the commission are complied with. However, it has faced stiff resistance from the general public when carrying out its duties.
Manpower shortage has also affected its operations. But recent recruitment of 30 reservist’ policeman will help boost manpower to implement the objectives of the commission.
Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, Honk Kiap told the policemen to diligently perform their duties. With police brutality on the rise, he urged his reservists to respect the public, whilst trying to enforce the commissions’ directives and laws in the city.
The first official task of the new recruits is to provide security and escort for the Pacific local government forum meet in NCD.
Meanwhile, Mr. Kiap warned the public in NCD that soon all betelnuts coming to NCD will be ceased as the Commission is expanding its manpower. And that all land and sea routes that people use to smuggle buai, will be strictly monitored and controlled.