The music industry is an effective avenue to developing the younger generation in Papua New Guinea.
PNG FM’s General Manager, Adrian Au, said currently there is no organization that monitors local artists, and protects their music from piracy. Mr. Au said once this industry is fully equipped and backed up by all stakeholders, it can bring our artists to the next level.
He said this is the focus of the Yumi FM Concert, that will be hosted this Saturday at the Lamana Gold Club in Port Moresby. The concert will be show casing some of PNG’s finest musicians. They are Demas Saul, Daddy Gee, Jokema, Daniel Bilip, Moqai, Tati, Trojan, Meriani Masani, Robby Tee featuring Metere Crew, and our neighbors from the Solomon Islands, Dezine.
The organizers said the music industry has so much potential to develop young people in our communities, and to keep them occupied and away from illegal activities.
Mr. Au said currently there is no proper organization to monitor and foster these raw talents. He said piracy is one of the issues that are hindering the progress of many local artists.
The 10th YUMI FM Music Awards will be hosted this Saturday at the Lamana Gold Club. The organizers say this concert is a platform to building the music industry in the country, and benefit local artists. Keynote Music House is the major sponsor.
The music awards night will not only bring listeners closer to their favorite YUMIFM announcers such as Kasty, but it will also allow them to enjoy and appreciate pure PNG musical sounds and instruments that have captivated the voices of these great musicians.