Members ofthe staff at Lae’s University of Technology have questionedthe Higher Education Minister, David Arore’s association withthe lecturer who was recently charged for misappropriating six hundred thousand kina.
UNITECH representative Micah Vines saysthe Minister had attempted to have Dr Narayan Gehlot reinstated bythe Office of Higher Education after he was terminated in December.
Mr Vines have also called onthe Minister to resign.
Late yesterday afternoon, an officer from Higher Education Minister’s office responded sayingthe Minister has refused to be dragged intothe politics ofthe University of Technology.
The officer said Narayan Gerlot had approachedthe Minister for assistance after he was terminated in December and was put offthe University payroll.
The officer saidthe Minister chose to intervene because Papua New Guinearsquo;s image was at stake inthe eyes ofthe expatriate community.
He also said allegations over David Arore’s association with Narayan Gerlot at Lamana Hotel remain allegations and thatthe minister would not indulge in such activities.
Scott Waide, National EMTV News – LAE