Finance Minister, James Marape, today brushed aside rumors that he has been arrested by police last Friday in relation tothe Paula Paraka case.
Minister Marape held a media conference to clearthese rumours. He was accompanlied bythe Acting Finance Secretary for Finance Dr. ken Ngangan and Member for Talasea, Francis Marus.
Mr. Marape confirmed that he was called intothe Fraud Squad office to provide statements asthe Finance Minister. He said that everyone inthe department is subject to this investigation andthey will assistthe police where necessary.
He said whilethe Paraka case was a sub-judice matter, he as a citizen of this country was subjected tothe laws and compllied with police request to provide information tothe police to assist intheir investigation.
He said all files relating tothe matter have been provided to police andthe sweep team for their investigations and he will not supressthe investigation process.
He futher highlighted thatthe Paul Paraka case has helpedthe department identify deficiencies at Vulupindi and he is working with his secretary, Dr. Ken Ngangan to correctthese deficiencies.
As part of this investigation, Chief Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc, Secretary Steven Gibson, and ther relevant officers have been called in bythe police to provide statements regarding this case.