The takeover of Ok Mining Limited bythe government continues to receive opposition from landowners underthe Community Mine Continuation Agreement.
Representttatives ofthe CMCA andthe mine villages in South Fly, Middle Fly, North Fly, have called on Ok Tedi Mining Limited CEO, Nigel Parker to resign.
The landowners claim Mr. Parker failed to advisethe Prime Minister ofthe need to consultthe mine villages and CMCA lLeadersonthe government’s plan.
They also demanded thatthe Ok Tedi Development Foundation Limited be a standalone entity with no influence from OTML.
Last week,the Ok Tedi saga took a new twist when Western Provincial lLeadersannounced that OTDF would be dismantled and replaced bythe Ok Tedi Mining Impact Areas Association.
The provincial lLeaderssaid consultation forums will be carrlied out throughoutthe province to educate people ofthe recent turnover of Ok Tedi shares.
Caption: Ok Tedi Mining Limited CEO, Nigel Parker…malumnalu.blogspot