
Lae: Illegal Settlements Given Eviction Notices

Three illegal settlements in Lae city, were given eviction notices by the Morobe Provincial Government today, during the operation to reclaim state lands.

Admin compound, One Mile Creek, and the Agriculture reserve at the three-mile hill, were all served eviction and demolition notices for one month.


An illegal landowner who was selling pieces of state land to settlers, for huge sums of money was also arrested by police, and taken into custody.


After serving eviction notices at the admin compound, police and authorities have arrived at the one mile creek, only to see wires and scraps, been used as fencing to one of Lea’s illegal settlements.


Shanty homes including permanently built houses, were part of a small community that resides along the banks of the creek between the Markham Road Primary School, and the Watergum Street.


Eviction notices were served to them in the presence of Lae’s City Manager, Roy Kamen.


After that, the convoy arrived at the 3 mile Agriculture Reserve Hill, where almost 100 of settlers have bought pieces of land from an illegal land owner.


During the exercise, the facility formally used by NAQIA to house treated animals, was illegally rented out to some people by an Engan man, who worked as a private guard at the property.


The man was arrested for unlawfully using state property, to make money. He was arrested, and all his tenants were immediately requested to vacate the premises.

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