The Koiari people of Central province are banking on service provider Eda Ranu to build a rural water supply project in their area.
This was backed by a cheque presentation of twenty thousand kina by Koiari Local Level Government President, Ogi David, to the Eda Ranu Foundation.
The presentation was held today at Fakonama Village outside Port Moresby.
The Koiari people are said to be the prime landowners of the Sirinumu Dam which supplies water to Port Moresby. However over the years, having access to clean fresh water has been a struggle for them.
The presentation of the cheque to Eda Ranu Foundation to carry out a feasibility study in the area will provide the opportunity to ease the burden of mothers and girls who walk for distances to fetch water.
President David says, landowner differences have seen people suffer for too long.
He also presented the local ward member a cheque of K30, 000 from his LLGSIP to build an elementary school in the area.
Eda Ranu Foundation General Manager David Ericho explained the role of the foundation, highlighting its functions and purpose.
Mr Ericho said Eda Ranu’s technical staff will identify water sources and design an appropriate plan for the water supply system for the villages.