Twenty four thousands bags of rice will be shipped tothe Philippines atthe end of this week from Port Moresby to assist victims of Typhoon Haiyen.
The rice was donated by HomeState Cooperation tothe Philippines Ambassador Be nvenido Tejano today.
HomeState Cooperation Limited is mainly involved in rice production and has been operating inthe country for over a decade.
They have been inthe forefront of humanitarian assistance inthe country and abroad.
Assistant General Manager for HomeState, Namfon Poungmalai, met withthe Philippines Ambassador to Papua New Guineato present 24, 000 bags of rice valued at 63 thousand kina
She said it is an act of goodwill to assist victims of Typhoon Haiyen.
Ambassador Tejano was grateful ofthe generosity and expressed gratitude towardsthe generous support from all those who have assisted.
He has been in contact with seven municipals in Philippines that are still without food.
The shipment is expected to leavPNG by this week and will take two weeks to arrive in Philippines.