Lae Police have raised concerns about the growing number of husbands beating their wives.
An average of fifty cases a day is reported. Often the root causes stem from alcohol consumption and extramarital affairs.
The number of people seeking Police help at a temporary office at the Lae Central Police Station has increased.
About five hundred women come here every month seeking help when their husbands beat them.
Majority of the problem come from extra marital affairs.
First Constable, Josephine Sibua says the number of cases of husbands bashing their wives continues to rise.
Police Officers deal with more then fifty women and children per day. Tomorrow, there will be another 50 who come here.
“We deal with about 300-400 cases per month,” says 1st Constable Sibua.
The police units that deal with family and sexual violence are often understaffed and under resource, and the demand on the officers outweigh the support they have.
Last week, another police section, the Sexual Offences Squad raised concerns about the increasing number of assaults against children.
Amongst the most disturbing of cases, has been that of a 6-year-old child who was sexually assaulted by four men at Lae Nawaeb block.