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DHERST Urges IBSU to Take Responsibility to Get Accredited

By Staycey Yalo, EMTV News, Port Moresby


Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology has urged the Institute of Business Studies University to take responsibility to get accredited and be registered as a Higher Education Institution.

This call was made by DHERST Secretary, Fr Jan Czuba, following the Department’s announcement recently that IBSU’s accreditation was temporary and had expired.

The Higher Education Secretary maintains that IBSU’s approval for registration as a university was merely political and its accreditation as a higher learning institution was temporary and had expired in October this year.

The issue was brought to light when EMTV queried why IBSU was not registered and excluded in the National Selection Process.
However, IBSU claims they have met the requirements and is registered, as per a gazette notice of January 24, 2017.

After the broadcast of this story, the higher education secretary says the only body to recommend an establishment of any Institution is the National Higher Technical Education Board.

“Thus, to be accredited, IBSU, like other Higher Education Institution should undergo an external audit to meet the 12 National Standards for Higher Education Institutional Registration as approved on October 13, 2016, and formally adopted on the March 29 this year,” said, Secretary Professor Czuba. And he has called on IBSU’s to take responsibility.

While the blame game continues, IBSU confirmed that they have written 500 acceptance letters to school leavers who had chosen IBSU to study for the 2018 academic year.

IBSU says the numbers are expected to increase and they will assist students to reapply.

In the meantime, Fr Jan says his responsibility as a secretary to the department is to protect the credibility of qualifications for Higher Education Institution.


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