Business News

CPA Launches 5 Year Corporate Plan

By Delly Waigeno – EM TV, Port Moresby

The Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) is serious about promoting and maintaining high standards in the accountancy profession.

Today, CPA launched its five year corporate plan, which sets the strategic path to deliver on its mandate. Its vision is to be a globally recognised professional accountancy body. 

The Certified Practicing Accountants PNG is generally known through its annual conferences, hosted jointly with its Australian counterpart.

CPA conference is in its 15th year and this year’s theme will look at improving ethical behavior, and development of the small to medium enterprises with the theme “Accounting beyond Accountability.”

CPA’s new Corporate Plan 2015-2019 focuses on strategic themes such as promoting and increasing membership, providing professional development and maintaining a high standard of examination process and outcomes.

Also in line with its strategic theme to maintain a high standard of examination processes and outcomes, CPA launched its new membership database management system.

Its key features include membership registration and access to grades of courses and examinations. 

Today Bank South Pacific came on board as a Platinum level sponsor for the 2015 CPA PNG and CPA Australia Joint Annual Conference to be held in Port Moresby, Lae and Kokopo.

BSP’s Head of Financial Reporting Douna Vaname presented a ceremonial dummy cheque of over K52,000 to the CPA PNG President, Daniel Biti.

Mr Vaname said BSP sees the need for financial specialists in accounting, banking and management as an important human resource development need as PNG moves on into the future.

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