East New Beitain Provincial Police Commander Anthony Wagambie Junior, has called onthe people inthe province to fight against and eradicate family and sexual crimes.
He said this in relation tothe sky rocketing number of sexual offences.
PPC Wagambie along with Womenand Church Representttatives, and member for Gazelle Malakai Tabar, heldthe public forum atthe Kokopo Market last Friday, where he and stakeholders spoke out againstthe increasing number of sexual crimes.
Sexual crimes in East New Beitain range from rape, molestation, to incestoand has considerably increased.
This can be told bythe number of cases that have been reported tothe Family and Sexual Violence Unit (FSVU) in Kokopo since it was established in January last year.
“Sincethen, we have been receiving more than 20 clients a day…and atthe end ofthe year we received more than 400 cases of violence of all forms. And, it isthe same this year,” said Edina Timmy, Senior Constable, FSVU.
According to Edina, most ofthe crimes are reported to occur inthe villages, mainly withinthe family homes.
Most ofthe perpetrators are aged between 40 and 60 years old, whilethe victims are aged between three and 16.
Speakers atthe forum condemnedthe increase in sexual crimes and called it a breakdown in social and family values.
Member for Gazelle Malakai Tabar simply called it’stupidity.
PPC Wagambie said a community approach will be taken to addressthe issue. He said he would fight this vigorously and perpetrators would be dealt with.
“It’s not just a police problem or issue thatthe police will address alone, it needs community effort to work with us to address this problem,” said PPC Wagambie Jnr.