“Nothing is more important than your integrity”, this wasthe key message bythe Minister for Justice & Attorney General Kerenga Kua, atthe graduation ceremony ofthe Post Graduate Legal TrainingInstitute.
The 8th graduation ceremony ofthe Post Graduate Legal TrainingInstitute saw a record number of 78 graduands today.
Parents and friend, including members ofthPNG Law Society joinedthe ceremony.
The milestone markedthe 40th anniversary oftheInstitution since its establishment on March 13th 1973. Since that time,the LTI has graduated some 2000 lawyers; some ofthem have gone on to become national lLeadersof parliament.
Withthe Graduationtheme: “Courage to Serve withIntegrity,” much ofthe messages tothe graduands centered on upholding personal values and professional standards.
Minister for Justice & Attorney General Dr. Kerenga Kua, toldthe graduating class that as lawyers, it was essential to havethe quality of being honest.
He saidthe recent incidences that involvedthe legal fraternity that almost broughtthe country to its knees happened as a result of lawyers leadingthe confusion on what was right.
Pauline Mogish saidtheInstitute was undergoing changes including a curriculum review andthe development of an online system. LTI has also been giventhe nod to relocate to an area owned bythe University oPNG, to expandtheir capacity.
Meanwhile, Dr. Kua remindedthe trainees thatthey had a pivotal role in keeping stability in society. The trainees will havetheir admission ceremony this Friday.