Momase News

5-Year Old Rape Suspect Caught and Put Behind Bars

By Rachael Shisei – EM TV News, Madang

The alleged suspect, an adult man who abducted and raped a 5-year old girl for two days, in late August this year in Madang Province was caught today at the Bogia PMV stop.

As described to EMTV News, when the suspect was pointed out by the public to the toddler’s mother, she felt an urge to do something to him herself, but was advised by the public not to.

Instead, she went to the Provincial Council of Women, who assisted her and alerted the police.

“The moment I saw who he was, I felt my hands and legs shook, I felt I had to hit him to an extend and make him feel my baby’s pain, but the public realised and cautioned me to get the police and have him locked up first,” said the toddler’s mother.

For fear that the police might take a while to get to the scene, and the suspect might run free again, the toddler’s mother, who with the public’s support, held onto the suspect, in an attempt to keep him there till the police arrive.

Peter Baki, the Family and Sexual Violence Unit officer with the Madang Provincial Council of Women says, he’s been working closely with the family since August, to make sure the suspect is arrested and charged.

“I informed the President, Mrs Mary Kamang and together we wrote a letter to the Madang Provincial Police Commander at the time, to direct an SOS officer to make sure the case is prioritised too.”

Baki clarified, that the suspect was arrested earlier, but had escaped, and that he has an accomplice in the rape who is still on the run.

The toddler’s mother appreciates the public’s helpful information, as well as the Madang Provincial Council of Women, for their full support.

“If it wasn’t for information from the public, and especially the support of the Provincial Council of Women, who supported me every step of the way, I don’t think I’d be strong enough to get this far to have the suspect brought to justice,” she said.

The toddler’s mother is calling on the public once more, as well as the police, to help bring the second suspect to justice.

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