
Workshop For Awareness Of PNG Labour Laws

An awareness workshop on promoting decent and productive work through effective labor standards was conducted today in Lae.

The workshop highlighted the government’s ratification of the 24 International Labor Organization Conventions, which are vital to be incorporated into PNG labor laws. The workshop was attended by over 50 participants from all sectors of life. Most were human resource managers.


Development in and around the country has raised the employment rate to new heights.

However, more than half of employees and employers are ignorant of the vital knowledge of being productive through effective labor standards.


The week’s workshop, held at the Lae Melanesian Hotel, brought to light conditions employees face every day.


Facilitator Dessie Pasmaleng Maino said the vast PNG workforce needs to know the importance of working in a fair, safe condition under human dignity.


She says by virtue, the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations is mandated to ensure this responsibility is carried out. The workshop highlighted laws such as the Industrial Relations Act, Employment of Non-Citizen Act, Occupational Health and Safety, and Workers Compensation Act.


Participants were thrilled with the workshop, stating PNG has a lot to do in providing conducive and effective working laws to fully see employees reap 100% production output.

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