On this edition, we bring you an amazing Kiwi lady, Pam Christie’s 60th Kokoda Trek. Also, later in this program we feature different women from different backgrounds, all contributing to nation building.
But for now, let us introduce to you Pam Christie, of PNG Trekking Adventures. Pam is a pawa meri, and one of the first female guides on Kokoda Trail, Papua New Guinea.
Also in this edition we address economic empowerment.
It is widely believed that investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.
Women make enormous contributions to economies, whether in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing unpaid care work at home. And with that, here for you now is a selection of pawa meri’s steaming ahead in their careers and businesses, women who are contributing to their families while nation building.
According to UN Women, Women also remain disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination and exploitation. Gender discrimination means women often end up in insecure, low-wage jobs, and constitute a small minority of those in senior positions. It curtails access to economic assets such as land and loans. It limits participation in shaping economic and social policies. And, because women perform the bulk of household work, they often have little time left to pursue economic opportunities… but as we have seen tonight, there a women in PNG who want to change that.
Women will continue to care for their home, and thrive in their careers, in senior positions, contributing to decision making and creating economic empowerment for their families. We wish all these women and their families every success.
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