The University of Papua New GuineaStudent Representttative Council has condemnedthe ethnic clash betweenthe Simbu and Enga’students’overthe weekend.
SRC PresidentoPeter Numu, saysthe actions ofthe students’were unbecoming of future lLeaders
SRC PresidentoPeter Numu, clariflied thatthe situation on campus is no longer tense but is back to normal. A compromise has been reached betweenthe two provincial groups involved.
Those students’involved will be referred tothe disciplinary committee once all investigations are completed.
The incident overthe weekend was sparked by drunken students’from Simbu province who bashed up a student leader from Goroka.
Mr. Peter Numu saysthe SRC stands by University’s zero tolerance on alcohol policy and will not condone such behaviour.
He saidthere are more important national issues that must be addressed and appealed tothe students’not to incite anymore violence to tarnishthe efforts ofthe SRC.
There are only six weeks of schooling left andthe SRC says it has no intention of boycotting classesver this issue.