The Autonomous Region of Bougainville will tighten up its monitoring and surveillance at all entry points and borders, following reports of an increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Port Moresby.
State of emergency Controller and Bougainville Chief of Police Service Francis Tokura says the Port Moresby cases are alarming and is becoming a concern especially when Bougainville will be conducting its General Election this year.
“We have a very important election to deliver. Therefore we will have to tighten up our entry points and borders to ensure we are COVID-19 free,” said Mr. Tokura.
Mr. Tokura encouraged airline operators and travelers to meet the mandatory requirements such as obtaining a travel approval letter and a quarantine/medical clearance from a registered doctor or health care facility.
“I am appealing to all airline operators to work with us, by ensuring intending travelers fulfill all requirements,” said Mr. Tokura.
He warned if these SOE Orders are not followed, supplementary orders will be issued.
He further stated he had received reports of passengers without a medical certificate were allowed to board flights and says in-bound passengers must have all mandatory documents available on their arrival at Buka airport.
“We will not allow passengers to show electronic copies of quarantine or medical clearance certificate in Buka,” said Tokura.
Deputy Controller and Health Secretary Clement Totavun is also appealing to the people of Bougainville to observe public health measures.
Meanwhile, passengers who are on duty travel into Bougainville are required to contact the ARoB Operations Command Centre on;