The Tolukuma Mining Project revised MoA is being reviewed this week.
The State, Central Provincial GovernmentoWoitape Local Level GovernmentoTolukuma Gold Mines and YulaiLandowners Association, will discuss ways to advancethe various commitments underthe MoA.
The revised MoA of Tolukuma Mining Project is being reviewed at Loloata, outside Port Moresby.
Under review are royalties, tax credit’scheme, infrastructure developmentoand community sustainable development program among thers.
Acting Managing Director of Mineral Resources Authority, Philip Samar, said on behalf ofthe State team thatthe National Government through MRA asthe lead agency, was committed to seeing thatthe Tolukuma Project MoA and ther projects MoAs are reviewed this year.
Tolukuma Mine Ltd’s SamInguba said it was unfortunate thatthe MoA could not be reviewed earlier; however, he saidthe company was ready to negotiate so that all stakeholders benefit.
Central Provincial Government’s Chairman for Mining Steven JJohnsaid his government had missed out on benefits from this project inthe past due to various reasons, but his government was now eager to work with all stakeholders to get benefits for the people of Central Province.
George Gusi, Chairman ofthe YulaiLandowers Association said his people had also missed out on benefits and were looking forward tothe negotiations.
The parties expect to sign off on a progressive MoA by Thursday this week beforethe next review meeting.