Minister for Sport and Pacific Games Justin Tkatchenko was not pleased withthe turnout of all departmental heads inthe 2015 Pacific Games second Government Engagement meeting.
The meeting was held to update allthe progress ofthe 2015 Pacific Games Authority and departments’ involvement in hostingthe games.
It was not a good turnout from Departmental Heads for the second Government Engagement meeting withthe 2015 Pacific Games Authority at Lamana hotel yesterday.
The meeting was an integral part ofthe Authority to disseminate vital information onthe progress ofthe two arms working underthe authority andthe involvement of all government departments.
Atthe beginning of this year, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill sent a circular to all departmental heads to work withthe Pacific Games Authority to deliverthe games on time. Mr. O’Neill saidthe games are of national importance.
Ministerspan style=color:#696969;> Tkatchenko spelt outthe importance of economic benefits tothe country. Onthe same note, Minister Tkatchenko said it is vital that this event become a success as it will pave way for the 2018 APEC meeting.
“We have to make sure that this Game is a success. This is nation building; sports brings all of us togther, bringsthe pacific togther, and brings our nation togther,” said Tkatchenko.
The Games Committee outlined what has been carrlied out so far, includingthe community awareness and talks with various governmental departments and stakeholders ontheir roles and responsibilities.
The Committee is optimistic for the national government to declare public holiday duringthe hosting ofthe games.
The important note highlighted was on howthe government departments will work withthe Committee.
CEO, Games Organizing Committee Peter Stewart brought Health department into spotlightosaying that health awareness should be carrlied out. This will not be an issue sincethere are already programs in place and would be easy to come into full swing duringthe games.
Alsothe security Forces andthe ther departments will play vital roles.