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The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has appointed a new Board of the Konebada Petroleum Park Authority (KPPA) including a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman for a period of four years as per the National Gazette No. G256.

The KPPA and its Board was established by the Konebada Petroleum Park Authority Act 2008 (KPPA Act) to facilitate and develop downstream processing of petroleum and energy products.

Minister for International Trade and Investment, Richard Maru who is responsible for the Konebada Petroleum Park announced the appointment of Mr. Martin Kombri (pictured) as the new Chairman of the KPPA Board and Mr. Boe Daera as the Deputy Chairman together with the other ex officio members of the Board.

The ex officio members of the Board will include:

1. Secretary of the Department of Treasury or his or her nominee

2. Secretary of the Department of National Planning and Monitoring or his or her nominee

3. Secretary of the Department of Petroleum and Energy or his or her nominee

4. Secretary of the Department of Lands and Physical Planning or his or her nominee

5. Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Industry or his or her nominee

6. The Central Province Administrator

7. City Manager of the National Capital District Commission

8. The Chief Executive Officer of the KPPA

“The first task of the Board under the leadership of Mr. Kombi who is a prominent lawyer, and his Deputy Chairman Mr. Boera is to bring to justice those involved in mismanaging and running down this institution, and their second task is to identify and reclaim the land of the institution that had been illegally sold. We have a big clean-up to do.” Minister Maru said.

“The Board will look at the issue of interim management and re-establish the Konebada Petroleum Park Authority. The future of the Konebada Petroleum Park in terms of business and what it will do will all be subject to the findings and the recommendations of the new Board,” Minister Maru added.

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