The government is working on a number of avenues to improve power distribution in the country.
This was confirmed by Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, in Parliament this morning. He said this includes inviting independent power companies into the country.
Parliament convened late, the speaker entered the chamber at 10am sharp to find there was no MP in sight. Second attempt about 15 minutes later and the session began.
Unreliable Power supply was a topic of concern. West New Britain Governor, Sasindran Muthuvel, asked the Prime Minister, to explain what measures were being taken to resolve the power dilemma.
Mr. O’Neill said PNG Power does not have the capacity to fund reliable power supply. Thus the government will be inviting interested private power companies, to operate in the country, allowing PNG power to concentrate on distribution.
He also revealed that Exxon Mobile has agreed to sell some of the gas from the LNG project to PNG for power generation. He said competition will ensure efficiency in the energy sector. It would also increase the gross domestic product and the overall economy of PNG.
He defended the governments purchasing of two power generators from Israel, stating it was a collective decision by cabinet, bought to cater for the demand for power in Port Moresby and Lae. While the gen sets are a temporary measure, he says in the long term, they are looking to build a hydro power station at Brown River. Geo thermal energy was also discussed.