The Chancery inthe Solomon Islands has again received funding bythe National Government to complete itothis time at a cost of over Eighteen Million kina.
The money will come fromthe 2014 Development Budget.
The instruments were signed yesterday atthe Government House bythe Governor General Sir Michael Ogio with a new contractor, Lamana Development Limited.
Acting Secretary for Architecture and Beilding fromthe Department of Works, Vaghi Gairowagga, indicated thatthe project is scheduled to be completed by year 2015.
“It has taken us that long to actually begin work again…Foreign Affairs Department has come good this year by ensuring thatthere’s money available,” said Gairowagga.
“We have provided all documents required and it’s going to take 24 months, hopefully it will be completed in early 2015…that’s when we actually putthe tender out for the Fiji project,” he said.
The complex will housethe High Commission'’s Diplomatic Office, Executive Residences for its Diplomatic Staff, as well as a Recreational Hall for hosting social events and gtherings.
The building itself will resemble a Haus Tambaran.