Passengers on a bus travelling alongthe Bemayong front road aired outtheir concerns aboutthe state ofthe road.
“Right before my eyesthe Asphalt disappeared,” said Nila John.
“Thirty Eight years of independence and we haven’t seen a change to this road,” said Beford John.
Bemayong’s front road has been causing discomfort to commuters travelling along it for many years.
Passengers travelling oPMV Beses from town to Bemayong have to put up withthe poor road conditions for years.
The road is one that has received very little government attention.
The bus driver Samuel Kuwa saysthe roads make it difficult to operate PMV business.
The bus he drives breaks down so much so that he can barely pay for spare parts.
“We don’t make one thousand kina a day and it'’s expensive to buy spare parts,” he said.
He says thatthe road turns into a river when it rains and it’s very difficult to carry passengers comfortably totheir destinations.
The passengers concerns come days after after Morobe Governor Kelly Naru blasted bureaucrats and contractors onthe road construction delays in Lae City.
Whilethe roads in and aroundthe city continue to futher deterioration.
FTM contraction Managing Director John Rosso says delays to road construction aroundthe city continues becausethe works department is still deciding on whther to use Asphalt or Concrete.