PNG’s Liquefied Natural Gas Project will fetch 50 million kina per shipment. Not only that, it has put the country on the map, making it the 20th country in the world to be exporting LNG.
This was amongst other news Prime Minister Peter O’Neill presented on his return from Japan this afternoon.
Mr. O’Neill was escorted by a high powered delegation to welcome the first shipment of LNG to their shores.
The Prime Minister reported a fruitful visit to Japan.
Mr. O’Neill was accompanied by Minister for Petroleum and Energy Nixon Duban, Finance Minister James Marape, Hela Governor Anderson Agiru and Southern Highlands Governor William Powi.
Mr. O’Neill spoke at length about the successful transition from the construction phase to the shipping and now exporting, and once again thanked all stakeholders.
He said that PNG is the 20th country to be exporting LNG to the rest of the world, marking a landmark achievement for all.
The Prime Minister said each shipment is worth around 50 million kina, depending on the size of shipment; however, overall, this was great news for the country.
Whilst in Japan, there were talks about PNG-Japan relations.
Japan’s Prime Minister will be visiting the country next month and Mr. O’Neill says this is evidence of investor confidence.