The Opposition is again calling on Prime Minister Peter O&rsquO’Neill to resign from office and present himself for questioning.
In a press conference today Opposition leader Belden Namah told the media that the Opposition will provide leadership against corruption and if the Prime Minister does not resign, will join forces with the people and take to the streets in demonstrations and protests.
Namah said the Opposition will stand firm in its fight against corruption and urged the Prime Minister to present himself for questioning.
He said the Prime Minister should not act like a dictator as the country is a constitutional democracy and all are bound by the rules of law.
Namah said the Opposition was encouraged by the many public rallies and protests by the people as it shows the people's concern for the dignity for the office of the Prime Minister.
He also called on Police Commissioner Geoffrey Vaki to allow officers from the Fraud and Anti-corruption unit to do their duties.
The hearing into the Warrant of Arrest on the Prime Minister, will be back in court on Thursday this week.
Since his latest challenge Prime Minister Peter O&rsquO’Neill still maintains that he is available for questioning.