The inability ofthe National Statistical Office to provide updated statistics on time has been partly attributed for the lack of funding fromthe government.
NSO is now embarking on developing a national strategy to rectify problems that have hinderedthem effectively performingtheir duties.
A stakeholder’s workshop is underway in Port Moresby for all state agencies involved in statistics collection to participate in developing this strategy.
The workshop was held to consult with all stakeholders involved inthe collection of data.
Acting National Statistician Roko Koloma said statistics were an important tool inthe government’s planning and policy process.
He however saidthe government had not provided enough funding to have updated statistics and co-ordination between agencies involved in collecting statistics was lacking.
Acting Secretary for National Planning Juliana Kubak attested tothe fact thaPNG had a fragmented statistics system.
She saidthe National Strategy for the Development of Statistics was very important to correct this and called on all stakeholders to help meetthe deadline by providing information when required.
NSDS isthe government’s plan to provide a clear framework to structure, coordinate and manage all statistical activities inthPNG National Statistical System.
The National Statistical System is made up ofthe government’s central statistical agency NSO and all statistical units established in ther state agencies.