“KAINANTU HEALTH” – Sylvester Gawi
The absence of good health services in rural communities in the Kainantu and Obura-Wonenara districts has seen an influx of patients to Kainantu District Hospital.
The hospital’s management says staff shortages are among other major problems currently faced by the hospital.
Meanwhile, the people have also called for better health services to be delivered at a community level.
Capital Rugby Union will be staging their semi-finals this weekend at the Monier Rugby Park. Officials kindly advised the public and rugby fraternity, that due to the traffic congestion that builds up every weekend at the main entrance, entry by vehicles will be via Turua Avanue, Amini Park and the exit will be at the main gate of Monier Rugby Park.
This is to allow the normal flow of traffic on Bava Street outside to continue without disruption. Individual entry is as usual on Bava Street, with normal entry fees applied.
Competition Manager Paul Joseph also appealed to all clubs, especially participating players, officials, sponsors and supporters attending the finals, to display good behavior and sportsmanship both on and off the field.
“THANK YOU PM” – Fabian Hakalits
The New Ireland Provincial Women’s Council said thank you to Prime Minister Peter O&rsquO’Neill for assisting them with K200, 000 in funding. Representing them was President Hedwig Yip.
The last two PNG swimmers left for the Commonwealth Games today accompanied by Assistant Coach and Mentor, Ryan Pini, and Head Coach Elizabeth Wells for Glasgow, Scotland.
A total of 6 swimmers, 2 boys from Port Moresby and 4 Brisbane based girls, will represent PNG at the Glasgow Games.
For these swimmers, this will be their first time to be part of the Commonwealth Games and they are very happy and excited.