A new partnership was forged yesterday between the University of Papua New Guinea and the Department of Planning and Monitoring.
The partnership will see a new degree program that will commence next year, supported by the Department in relation to the Responsible Sustainable Development strategy.
The University of Papua New Guinea and the Department of Planning and Monitoring (DPNM) signed a memorandum of understanding to develop knowledge, skills and human resource in the country.
Under the MOU, DPNM will provide technical and financial support to UPNG from 2014 to 2019, to assist in the running of the Bachelor of Sustainable development Degree program.
UPNG Vice Chancellor, Allen Mellam said the university will now embark on critical developments with the key purpose of managing resources in a sustainable way.
He said the development of the university’s new degree program will produce at least thirty graduates on sustainable development, and will also extend to all other UPNG campuses in the country.
Minister for Planning and Monitoring, Charles Able also added that the program is an attempt at improving strategic planning and also educating people on sustainable development.
The Minister also presented a cheque of K150,000, to help start the program.