The National Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Authority, or NAQIA, will soon commence investigation into its K2.7 million housing project.
The project was failed to be delivered on time, costing NAQIA a substantial amount of money.
Acting Managing Director for NAQIA, Joel Alu, is not pleased with the outcome of the project. These are the houses in question. The housing project is the first for NAQIA, approved by the NAQIA Board in June 2011.
NAQIA entered into a contract agreement with Lands Investment Limited on May 2012, to build 9 x 3 bedroom houses. Lands Investment Limited then sub contracted it to Addie Lee Architects, a Chinese based Company.
The houses were to be completed within 6 months after the signing, but this did not eventuate. The delay has left the Acting Managing Director for NAQIA Joel Alu, with a lot of unanswered questions.
According to contract documents, the contract was signed at a total of K2.7 million.
A down payment of 70 per cent, that is K1.7 million, was made by NAQIA to Lands Investment Limited, for the first shipment of building materials from Hong Kong.
But we learnt today from the Acting Managing Director Joel Alu, that three separate contracts were signed for just one project.
There was an agreement between NAQIA and Genesis Construction for Earthworks, and NAQIA also acquired labor costs from Lands investment Limited, which NAQIA paid K371, 250.00.
Mr. Alu says, the initial agreement covers only supply and construction of houses, and not Labor. But the contractor’s labor costs have inflated the total costs of the whole project to K3.9 million or more, he says.
Mr. Alu described the project as suspicious, and will soon be engaging a reputable accounting firm to investigate. This is just the beginning of weeding corruption within NAQIA.