The 43rd graduation was held atthe Hideaway Hotel in Port Moresby yesterday. With allthe hard work done,the students’proudly receivedtheir certificates and diplomas.
It was a great turnout asthe place was packed with students’ parents, and staff of IT. Amongthe guests wasthe Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, David Arore.
The institution has been one ofthe largest private institution providing certificate and diploma programs to grade 10 and 12 leavers.
It has enrolled over 3000 students’this year, and is also looking at providing degree programs next year.
Managing Director of IT, Kumaran Setheyval, was happy thatthe institution had contributed to helping many students’nationwide.
With thatoMinister Arore challenged all education institutions inthe country.
The Ijivitari Minister also presented certificates to sponsored students’from his electorate.
26 ofthe total number of graduates atthe ceremony were confirmed to have permanent well-paid jobs, whilethe rest were positive to find good jobs withthe many opportunities now available inthe country.