To enhancethe Small and Medium Enterprise sector,there is a need for more Technical Skills Training for Papua New Guineas.
This was pointed out asthe way forward to increase job opportunities due tothe booming technical and industrial activities inthe country.
Withthe growth ofthe SME’sector being looked at bythe governmentoincreasing job opportunities based on Technical Skills is important.
This should come withthe establishment of training facilities and institutions for Papua New Guineas.
Chey Scoverll ofthe Manufacturers Council oPNG, said withthe current economic boom propelled bythPNG LNG project and ther emerging industrial activities,there is need to train more people in technical skills for sustainable development.
“Simply provide platform that’s conducive in doing business…we need to address all our transport infrastructure issues, and we need to make sure we have a human resource development,” said Scoverll.
“We have a really big problem withthe National Training Council and allthese government bodies atthe moment.”
“We do not need book-keepers and more classy accountants in Papua New Guinea what we need is, people who are trained in technical skills which are in demand in PNG ”
“One ofthe issues we see allthe time is foreigners coming to dothe joPNG is supposed to.”
“We need to make some serious steps to reformthe way we deliver technical training, andthe way we incentivize businesses. That’s SME development in itself,” Scoverll said.
He added thatthe government’should plan well, in order to implement its policies.
“This year wasthe ‘Year of Implementation’, but I think it would be better to put it asthe ‘Year of Planning for Implementation’ because it is not realistic to get allthe work done,” said Scoverll.
“Atthe momentowe need to focus on downstream processing sectors becausethey arethe backbone and customers of our SME’sector,” he said.
The development ofthe SME’sector will apparently involve more people with technical expertise, apart fromtheoretical knowledge.