
Marawaka Hydro Project

A rural district station in the Eastern highlands that shares the border with Morobe’s Menyamya district has electricity.

Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, was in Marawaka Station to open a Hydropower turbine that will provide 240 megawatts of electricity to over 30,000 people.

O’Neill says the Government is addressing development issues in remote areas

Marawaka station is in the Obura-Wanenara district of the Eastern Highlands.

It shares a boarder with Menyamya; much of their culture is the same.

On Friday people gathered to see the Prime Minister land at a new mini hydo-power station site.

For most people, it was their first, to see a Prime Minister in their area.

“The Government is bringing services to the rural people,” says Prime Minister, O’Neill.

Whilst speaking at the opening of this mini hydropower station, Peter O’Neill- the Prime Minister says the government is focused on rural development.

The hydropower station was built by International Water project and supported by the Eastern Highlands Government.

The station will have electricity after a two-year struggle to construct the hydro-station at a cost of 2.5 million kina.

The project could have finished in a couple of months, but funding delays and no road access forced technical and support teams to fly in materials that were carried to the site by locals.

The Obura- Wanenara MP, Mehra Kipefa says the district now has proper planning and there is more to come.

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