Breaking News Business Momase News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea


Costing over nine million Kina, the newly built four-winged market facility is nearing its completion.

Maprik Town-known throughout the greater Sepik Region as the melting pot for economic trades in East and West Sepik, this new market infrastructure is the game changer for the people of the district and the entire East Sepik Province.

The construction of the market began earlier this year and is expected to be completed and officially opened for public use before the year ends.

Inside the new market, the four ground floor office spaces will cater for three BSP ATMs, public ablution blocks, store room and a mini police post for the market.

The top floor spaces will house the Market’s Management Authority, a security surveillance room, a convenient shop and a mini setup of the Mama Bank.

Maprik District Administrator Mr. Joshua Himina said the new market is a project he is passionate about and it directly falls under the “Bread Winner Model” hence it is very important to him.

The Bread Winner Model is a concept initiated by Mr Himina with the help of the East Sepik Provincial Administrator Mr Samson Torovi to point out the importance of economy generating facilities like the new market that will directly contribute to enhance the livelihood of mothers and girls as sole income earners or bread winners in their homes.

DA Himina said the significance of infrastructures like this not only contributes to impact the lives of mothers and girls but also gives a new outlook of the district and its growth in development and infrastructure.

He thanked the Maprik DDA Board, the East Sepik Provincial Government and the Department of National Planning and Monitoring for their support in funding and delivering the new market to his people.

Himina also acknowledged the partnership between Green Hill Investment Limited, YFIG Group and Maprik DDA which paved way for this new development.

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