Work on Madang Airport Runway has commenced this week.
The National Airport Corporation, in a statement, has advised the General and the Traveling public, work on the existing runway has commenced as of 12th February and will continue thereon.
The first stage of works will see a minor reduction in the existing runway length to allow for these works to commence and also Airline Operators to continue operations into and out of Madang.
Works on the runway will include; construction of new shoulders; removing the existing seal, Pavement Strengthening; bituminous sealing; associated strip and drainage works including installation of new Airfield Lighting (AFL) systems.

It is anticipated works at this stage (first stage) and at the succeeding stages (to cover the full Runway) will take approximately eight (8) months to be fully completed and made available, however, this is subject to the prevailing weather condition(s) in Madang Province.
Whilst NAC acknowledges and regrets the effect of this on the traveling public, it is, however, necessary at this present time to ensure and maintain safety and compliance at Madang Airport.
It is NAC’s objective is to ensure all 22 national airports in and around PNG are maintained and operated in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Recommendations and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority PNG (CASA PNG) Rules and regulation.
NAC hereby appeals for your understanding and patience at and during this time.